Thursday, February 7, 2013

Scouts Honor

So I was walking out of the Rite-Aid after picking up a prescription [long story, lets just say, "Six Degrees of Taylor Swift" is not a fun game to play] listening to the new My Bloody Valentine album on my headphones. As I exited the store I was greeted by a pair of little boys standing by a folding table selling tins of popcorn. One of them was talking to me but I couldn't hear him over the reverbic swell of Kevin Shield's white noise.

"---buy some popcorn to support our organization?" I heard the boy finish after I popped my earbuds out.

"Like I would support your shitty homophobic organization." I scoffed.


"--but nothing!" I interrupted. "For an organization that is supposed to be 'protect and serve,' or some shit, its certainly filled with a bunch of elitist bullshit. If sexuality has no place in your crappy Scouts, then why does your organization support an out right ban?"


"I'm not finished!" I interrupted again. "Those poor little queer kids want to learn to make a fire out of twigs and tie fucked up knots just as much as you little straight kids. In fact, knot tying more of a practical skill for them, since they'll be able to use those skills when they start going to those nasty BDSM clubs. So fuck your shitty elitist club!" I added, just before flipping their table over, scattering tins of popcorn on the ground.

"Excuse me, but what the hell are you doing?!" a woman was yelling as she ran up to us.

"Oh, so you must be one of these kids' mother, huh? Well let me tell you something, the Boys Scouts of America is a intolerant organization, and you should be ashamed to have your kids in--"

"Kids? This is my husband!" the woman said.

"Huh?" record scratch. I guess I should have noticed the one of the kids had a thick ass mustache and the a full grey beard.

"Yeah, lady, we're raising money for 'Lilliput.' Its organization that helps little people from being overlooked," the mustached guy said.

"What, do they buy you lifts or something? I'm sorry guys, I'm just really upset by this new My Bloody Valentine album."

"I know, right!?" the woman said.

"I mean, come on, twenty one years later and you give us 'Isn't Anything' part two?"

"But not as interesting!" the woman added.

"Oh snap!" I said, with a snap. I then apologized again for the confusion and bought all of their popcorn tins to make it up to them. The woman was helping me load them into my car, and as we closed the trunk I turned to her, "I'm sorry, its driving me crazy, so I just have to ask, how do they survive with such tiny little organs?!"

"I know, its totally weird. I just try not to think about it."

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