“Ah, a little ‘Victor/Victoria’ there. That’s fun,” I said, but she just stared at me as if she didn’t quite understand. “Julie Andrews?”
“No, Frau, Octomom has nothing to do with ‘The Sound of Music.’ Surely you’ve heard of her,” She said. I paused for a moment then sucked up the last of my Blended Ultimate. “Isn’t that your third one?”
“Yeah,” I answered sleepily. I explained to her that for the past month I had been staying up all night trying to capture some activity of the paranormal type on my fancy new digital camcorder, and it had started to really take a toll on me the past few days, so I was hitting the caffeine harder than I usually do.
“But you told me that you already knew that the ghost of Michael Jackson was haunting your place.”
“Yeah I know, but I was just trying to get some footage that I could sell to include in the final cut of ‘This is It.’ So far the only thing I got was some ghostly footprints when Michael moonwalked through some baby powder I put on the floor.”

“But, Frau, the movie came out already. It started playing yesterday.”
“Dang it, seriously?! Hmmm… well maybe I can use the footage and make like a total low budget horror movie out of it.”
“Uhm, Frau…,” she started, but then trailed off. Clearly jealous of my freaking fantastic idea. It’ll be like the “Blair Witch Project,” only better! I'll show her... I'll show all of them *MWAHAHAHAHA*
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