But I digress. So I spied [with my little eye] some chip clips designed by Michael Graves on the discount end cap [what a score, right?]. So, naturally I snatch them up like a Lohan in a jewelry store [well except that I actually paid for them]! When I get home, I notice that there is actually a picture of Mr. Graves on the back of the packaging.
Now in my mind, I have always pictured him as looking like a ruggedly handsome man's man. After all, its a fact that all designers look a bit like Ben Cohen. They frolic gracefully in sunbeams of divine inspiration... and then he takes my hand, kisses it gently, and guides me gently to his--

Er, sorry, where was I... ? Oh yeah, Michael Graves. So yeah, this picture they've used on this famous designers packaging is quite possible the worst picture they could have picked!

What the hell is up with that eye!?! Is he channeling Forest Whitaker? I don't know where he is looking! Seriously, couldn't they have just gone with a simple profile shot? Hell, photoshop that eye in place for fucksake, you are a designer after all! An architect, sure, but whatever, you could handle it! But then again, maybe that's why he's so successful, he's can see the bigger picture--you know--literally, since his field of view is so much larger... just a thought... hmmm... I wonder if there are any rugby games on...